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Member Since:
September 05, 2017
Member Since: September 05, 2017
This Month
This Year
Top 10 - All Time
1. garyreins 20044
2. Thinkbigsti69 11997
3. BCONTVentures 11440
4. EtheGreat 6735
5. retiredcf 5989
6. mouserman 5229
7. Melida 5191
8. Noteable 4808
9. Holdrrrr 4673
10. tamaracktop 4197
Top 10 Earners - This Month
1. garyreins +645
2. Melida +457
3. Thinkbigsti69 +350
4. retiredcf +257
5. skier59 +221
6. BCONTVentures +209
7. Bman1234 +203
8. spurwing2 +117
9. mangoe +113
9. Toppert1 +113
My Current Reputation
5786. Mi2025 1
5786. MiningInv97 1
5786. FuucBucc 1
5786. Mcjfjcggfhfhfhf 1
5786. JimToronto5 1
5786. BiggerBags 1
6965. Jamesyb 0
6965. jhrym1 0
6965. public 0
6965. Greco10 0
My Reputation - This Month
725. Mi2025 +1
725. MiningInv97 +1
725. FuucBucc +1
725. Mcjfjcggfhfhfhf +1
725. JimToronto5 +1
725. BiggerBags +1
1076. Jamesyb 0
1076. jhrym1 0
1076. public 0
1076. Greco10 0