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Member Since:
May 21, 2012
Member Since: May 21, 2012
This Month
This Year
Top 10 - All Time
1. garyreins 19473
2. Thinkbigsti69 12456
3. BCONTVentures 11748
4. EtheGreat 6879
5. retiredcf 6203
6. mouserman 5535
7. Noteable 5181
8. Melida 4927
9. mangoe 4846
10. Holdrrrr 4838
Top 10 Earners - This Month
1. garyreins +3549
2. Melida +1126
3. Thinkbigsti69 +773
4. BCONTVentures +692
5. Toppert1 +587
6. mouserman +564
7. EtheGreat +503
8. retiredcf +434
9. nozzpack +386
10. westcoastlogger +380
My Current Reputation
5972. Cbderk2014 1
5972. Mktour 1
5972. THOMAS12345678 1
5972. Arh8ash 1
5972. ocolombo 1
5972. DocEtrange 1
7166. sungoldaz 0
7166. jhrym1 0
7166. public 0
7166. Greco10 0
My Reputation - This Month
1646. Cbderk2014 +1
1646. Mktour +1
1646. THOMAS12345678 +1
1646. Arh8ash +1
1646. ocolombo +1
1646. DocEtrange +1
2170. sungoldaz 0
2170. jhrym1 0
2170. public 0
2170. Greco10 0