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Baru Gold Announces Shares For Debt Transaction And Cancellation Of Previously Announced Debt Settlement



Baru Gold Corp.

June 5, 2024 – TheNewswire - Vancouver, BC - Baru Gold Corp. (“Baru” or the “Company”) “BARU: TSX.V | BARUF: OTCQB” reports that its board of directors has approved the settlement of up to $137,500 of debt through the issuance of common shares of the Company (the “Debt Settlement”). Pursuant to the Debt Settlement, the Company would issue up to 6,875,000 common shares of the Company (the “Shares”) at a deemed price of $0.02 per Share to certain directors and officers of the Company (the “Creditors”)

The Debt Settlement is for $137,500 in management and director fees from October 2022 to May 2024. The issuance of the common shares to the Creditors is subject to the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. All securities issued will be subject to a four month hold period which will expire on the date that is four months and one day from the date of issue.

Insiders of the Company participation in the foregoing offering constitutes a "related party transaction" as defined under Multilateral Instrument 61-101 Protection of Minority Security Holders in Special Transactions (“MI 61-101”). Such participation is exempt from the formal valuation and minority shareholder approval requirements of MI 61-101 as neither the fair market value of the securities acquired by the insiders, nor the consideration for the securities paid by such insiders, exceed 25% of the Company's market capitalization.

The proposed settlement of $157,500 of debt through the issuance of 7,875,000 common shares as announced on May 24, 2024, is hereby cancelled.


Baru Gold Corporation is a dynamic junior gold developer with NI 43-101 gold resources in Indonesia, one of the top ten gold producing countries in the world. Based in Indonesia and North America, Baru’s team boasts extensive experience in starting and operating small-scale gold assets.


Per: “Terrence Filbert”

Terrence Filbert, Director
President & CEO

For investor contacts more information, please contact:

Kevin Shum

Investor Relations
647-725-3888 ext 702

Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Certainstatements inthisNewsRelease,whicharenothistoricalinnature,constitute“forwardlooking statements”withinthemeaning ofthatphraseunderapplicableCanadian securities law.Thesestatements include,butarenotlimitedto,statementsorinformationconcerningfutureworkprograms,resultsand timingof anyworkprograms,theCompany’sperformanceor eventsas ofthedatehereof.Thesestatements reflectmanagement’s currentassumptionsandexpectationsandbytheirnaturearesubjecttocertain underlyingassumptions, knownandunknownrisksanduncertainties andotherfactorswhichmaycause actualresults,performance oreventstobemateriallydifferentfromthoseexpressedorimpliedbysuch forwardlookingstatements.Thoserisksincludetheinterpretation ofdrillresults;thegeology,gradeand continuityofmineraldeposits;thepossibilitythatfutureexploration,developmentorminingresultswillnot beconsistentwithourexpectations; commodity andcurrencypricefluctuation; failuretoobtainadequate financing;regulatory, recoveryrates,refinerycosts,andotherrelevantconversionfactors,permittingand licensingrisks;generalmarketandminingexplorationrisksandproduction andeconomicrisksrelatedto designandengineering,manufacturing, technologicalprocessesandtestproceduresandtheriskthatthe project’soutputwill not besalableatapricethatwillcovertheproject’soperatingandmaintenancecosts. Forward-looking statementsshouldnotbeconstruedasinvestmentadvice.Readersshouldperforma detailed,independent investigation andanalysisoftheCompany andareencouragedtoseekindependent professional advicebeforemakinganyinvestmentdecision.Accordingly, readersshouldnotplaceundue relianceonanyforward-lookingstatement.Exceptasrequiredbyapplicablesecuritieslaws,theCompany disclaims anyobligation toupdateorreviseanyforwardlookingstatementstoreflecteventsorchangesin circumstancesthatoccurafterthedatehereof.

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