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Xebra Brands provides third product submission to COFEPRIS

Jocelyn Aspa Jocelyn Aspa, The Market Online
0 Comments| April 4, 2024

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  • Xebra Brands Ltd. (CSE:XBRA) has submitted its third product application for approval to COFEPRIS in Mexico for domestic production
  • Through the application, the company aims to deliver high-quality CBD products across the country in various formats
  • The company’s latest addition to its portfolio is a topical lotion aimed at providing relief and nourishment for the skin
  • Shares of Xebra Brands are up 7.41 per cent to C$0.14 as of 11:08 am ET

Xebra Brands Ltd. (CSE:XBRA) has revealed it has submitted its third product application for approval to COFEPRIS, the Federal Commission for Protection Against Sanitary Risk, in Mexico for domestic production.

In a news release, the company stated that through its application, Xebra intends to deliver high-quality CBD products across the country in a range of different formats.

Notably, the company stated its latest addition to its Xebra Elements portfolio is a topical lotion infused with premium CBD extract aimed at providing relief and nourishment to the skin.

“This submission represents our dedication to driving innovation and new product categories in the Mexican CBD industry, and we are confident that the Elements Topical Lotion will offer consumers a premium skincare solution unlike they have experienced before,” Rodrigo Gallardo, interim CEO of Xebra Brands Ltd., said in a statement. “The skin care products category represents a unique opportunity to strategically differentiate our customer base and points of distribution away from traditional consumables such as capsules and tinctures.”

Thanks to its latest submission for the Elements topical lotion, the company’s products in Mexico’s CBD market now include topicals, tinctures and capsules.

Thursday’s announcement comes just days after the company entered into a manufacturing agreement with Restorative Botanicals. According to a statement, Restorative Botanicals will manufacture a bespoke CBD tincture exclusively for Xebra’s Elements CBD brand.

With headquarters out of Vancouver, Xebra Brands Ltd. is focused on providing high-quality CBD products to consumers around the world.

Shares of Xebra Brands (CSE:XBRA) are up 7.41 per cent to C$0.14 as of 11:08 am ET.

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