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Is Novo Resources Establishing a Major Gold Company?

Dr. Quinton Hennigh, the Director and President of Novo Resources (TSX.V: NVO | OTCQB: NSRPF ), sits down with Proven and Probable to discuss a number truly exciting develops throughout Novo’s entire gold project portfolio. Highlights: Bulk Tonnage...

Jan 14th 2020, Silver Chartbook – An early stab

An early stab Participating in the markets is full of conflicts. This is due to the fact of the high variability of the market which has as such many choices and many moving parts. In this week´s case we have a confirmed short signal on the weekly and ...

F Disrespectful Fiduciary Responsibility

Concerned under the existential dread that "The robots could take over" and take control of the job of writer as easily as they did to that of the cashier or comedian, I attempted to create an article via an AI algoritm, the result .... There has been a lot of talk in the...

Research and Technology Company Builds off Great Results

CB2 Insights ( C.CBII , OTC:CBTOF , Forum ) launched as a public company in March 2019 and, against trend in the small cap space, operated with cash flows from operations while growing the company 24 percent year-on-year with Q3 revenues reaching $4.2M. Recently, ...

99% Gold Recovery at Ximen‘s Kenville Gold Mine Project in Southern BC

Metallurgical Test Results Today, Ximen Mining Corp. announced the receipt of metallurgical test results for its Kenville Gold Mine Project near the city of Nelson in southern British Columbia, Canada. According to the press-release : “The Kenville material respo...

Gold Completes Another Washout Rotation – Here We Go

One of the most telling patterns in Gold over the past 6+ months has been the “washout low” price rotation pattern after establishing a momentum price base. It seems as though every time Gold completes one of the moderate-low price rotations, as we call...

The Next Big Market Correction

Our researchers have been working overtime trying to help you stay ahead of these market moves. You may recall that we called this current downward price rotation in the US stock market over 25 days ago? You may recall that we called the downside price move in Gold over 40 day...

Range Bound Into The End Of 2019?

Two of our favorite charts for following the US markets are suggesting the markets are range bound headed into the end of 2019. The news may continue to push the price higher as the overall bias has continued to be to the upside. Yet, our Fibonacci predictive modeling system i...

Feb 7th 2020, Crypto Chartbook – The trend is your friend

The trend is your friend That might be an overused term but it is so very true! After “compound interest” (Albert Einstein: “Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world”), a directional market is the strongest free e...

AMS, Memphasys, Osram, ProSiebenSat.1 Media - valuable access to customers

Access to customers is of high importance for most companies. Building brands is also a matter of trust. Before a company or product is established as a brand, an average of seven contacts or encounters must have taken place. The situation is different with recommendations fro...
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