What is the difference between a recession and a depression? When your neighbor loses their job, it’s a recession. When you lose your job, that’s a depression! Not funny? Do not worry, we won’t make more jokes. Instead, we&C...
Arkadiusz Sieron
July 19, 2019
Yesterday, the Nobel prizes in economics were awarded. Unfortunately, gold has been omitted and got nothing. How unfair! But looking at the Dutch central bank press release, gold would have much higher chances if they were the ones granting the prizes and not the Swedish ...
Arkadiusz Sieron
October 16, 2019
3 percent – that’s the new IMF global growth forecast for 2019. It’s the lowest one since the Great Financial Crisis. Is the much talked about recession coming? And what about the just reached Brexit deal? Can they both make gold rally? Globa...
Arkadiusz Sieron
October 17, 2019
The World Health Organization has declared the coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency. What does it mean for the global economy and the gold market? Will Coronavirus Kill Us All? So it looks like not the recently feared nuclear war with the North Korea or Iran, ...
Arkadiusz Sieron
February 3, 2020
Premier Health is methodically building an innovative telemedicine platform in Canada, is purchasing a venerable telemedicine firm, and sees 2020 as the year of execution. Premier Health Group Inc. (PHGI:CSE; PHGRF:OTCQB; 6PH:FSE) has a vision: to bring together the ...
Streetwise Reports
November 19, 2019
What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9 History repeats itself. Not always, and not 100%, but often enough and to an extent that’s significant enough to make these repet...
Mike McAra
October 2, 2019
It was only a few hours ago that I was cruising through a lovely early-autumn Friday afternoon preparing for one of the last weekends at the marina for the 2019 season when I came across the much-heralded (and often misinterpreted) COT report. I was on the way up the ea...
Streetwise Reports
October 1, 2019
It was one of those days that all sexagenarians loathe; you have to go to the doctor, and whether it's the GP (general practitioner) or the dentist or the proctologist, nothing reminds you more rapidly of your advancing age than going to the optometrist. Now, many of ...
Streetwise Reports
January 14, 2020
One of the advantages of being a sexagenarian is that after forty years investing in stocks, bonds, commodities, and currencies you have a pretty good idea when something is not exactly "right." If you have lived a good, normal life and you still have decent control of ov...
Streetwise Reports
February 10, 2020
(Peniaphobia: fear of poverty) This weekend, newsletter writers the world over are scrambling to explain to their paid subscribers why they are now showing losses in portfolios that were supposed to be showing gains, and especially because it was only two weeks ago t...
Streetwise Reports
March 3, 2020