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Buzz on the Bullboards: Which stocks shook off the “Blue Mondays”?

Stock markets are off to the races for 2023, with the TSX logging a win streak of nine positive closes before ending in the red, while the Dow also recently snapped a four-day win streak after Goldman Sachs posted its biggest earnings whiff in more than 10 years and execu...

And Here Comes Whirlaway!: What Silver and the Horse Have in Common

Sector expert Michael Ballanger anticipates the come-from-behind winning run of silver. In the late 1930s, a young stallion was born in Lexington, Ky., at the legendary Calumet Farm, that went on to win seventeen major races from 1940–1942, including the Triple Crown (Kent...

B2Gold, Barrick Gold, Desert Gold: Did Warren Buffett bet on the right horse?

The price of gold has stabilized above the USD 1,900.00 per troy ounce mark in recent weeks. Against the background that the Corona Pandemic is not slowing down and that a second wave is becoming measurable in many places, the actions taken by governments and central banks are...

PDAC 2021 Day 1: Gold vs. Silver

PDAC – the must attend event for the world’s mineral exploration and mining industry kicked off on Monday, highlighting the gold and silver markets. Three industry experts took time to speak with Simon Druker of The Market Herald Canada to talk about the cu...

Stop feeding the Chinese ‘Belt and Road’ trojan horse

“ Whoever has an army has power.” - Mao Zedong In March Italy broke ranks with its EU partners in joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative, known also as One Belt, One Road or the New Silk Road. Students of history know the original...

Gold Stocks Outperform Gold but Not Stocks

In recent weeks we noted the bullish outlook for the stock market. Friday the S&P 500 as well as ACWX (global equity ETF ex US stocks) closed above resistance and made higher highs. Not surprisingly, as US and global equities have avoided a bear market (for the time be...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Much-needed good news

It has been a week of good news for investors. The Bank of Canada kept interest rates on hold at 4.50 per cent, becoming the first major central bank to suspend its campaign against rising inflation. Although it has been a volatile season and the TSX sustained lo...

Part III - Debt Crisis To Be Reborn In 2020

This final portion of our multiple part research post regarding the future of a crisis-like price revaluation event will focus on two components that we want to highlight for every trader, investor, and reader. It does not matter if you are invested in anything at this point –...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who’s taking off and who’s grounded

We are just around the corner from the end of the personal fiscal year, and signs of increased activity are wherever you look. Those who are looking to cash in, or brokers looking for a couple of solid deals, are making their last-minute moves while companies look to ...

When Will the ATOM Bomb Launch?

Investment advisor Daniel Carlson makes his case for why investors should have no fear of losing out on this technology company. Atomera Inc. (ATOM:NASDAQ) is going to blow up. I mean this in a good way, not in the implosion sort of manner. ATOM is a tickin...
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