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Mar 7th 2020, Silver Chartbook – Back to basics

Back to basics As extraordinary events happen in global markets right now, conflicting fundamental data can be hard to decipher. We had pandemics before. 1889 Russian flu pandemic, 1918 Spanish flue pandemic. 1957 Asian Flue Pandemic, 1968 Hong Kong flue pandemic and ...

How Machine Learning Will Affect E-commerce Industry in near future

Machine learning and artificial intelligence have in one way or the other, immensely contributed to bringing e-commerce to a value of $2.3 trillion in the market. Machine learning brought a revolution in the said field by helping merchants better analyse their businesse...

BioNTech, CureVac, Valeo Pharma - the license to print money

Those who solve problems or create desires can usually earn a lot of money. One of the most important requirements is that the solution is scalable and can be sold in large quantities. The solutions around the Corona pandemic are a particularly lucrative business, because ther...

Is Britain At The Edge Of A Political Cliff?

Recent news that Theresa May was unable to convince members of Parliament to even consider her current deal as well as the future political and societal consequences of any failure to move ahead with an orderly Brexit deal. The question before traders and investors is how will...

Evotec, Memphasys, MorphoSys - Growth Industry Health

He who is healthy has many desires, he who is ill only one. Companies around the globe deal with diseases and special features of nature in order to treat or cure them. In addition to the widespread disease of cancer, there are also topics that are less talked about, but are a...

Aphria, Aurora Cannabis, Canopy Growth, EXMceuticals - do not miss the entry!

The German nationwide and anonymous advertising format of Deutsche Post is called POSTAKTUELL and is published regularly in large print runs. The stack of advertising is wrapped in a foil and the practical added value for the recipient is the TV guide. The front of POSTAKTUELL...

Memphasys, Moderna, Paion - Investments in solutions with potential

Biotech companies around the world employ scientists and physicians to study the causes of diseases. The research and development of medical products and solutions usually involves a large number of tests and takes a correspondingly long time. The longer and more extensive thi...

China dominates worlds supply chains

Cleaner skies owing to covid-19 lockdowns appear to be the silver lining of the global economy crashing to a sudden halt in March. In fact new evidence shows that high-polluting energy sources were on the wane, even before the coronavirus pandemic. According to the I...

'Multi-Million-Ounce Gold Giant' Is Stirring. . .and the Stock Is at an All-Time Low

Knox Henderson explains why he believes Terraco Gold, with two big catalysts coming and a royalty in a large Nevada gold deposit, should be trading at three times its current share the very least. The beauty of running a private equity (PE) firm ...
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