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Appraisal Well 'Demonstrates Stable Natural Gas Production'

The test results and next steps are provided in a Mackie Research Capital Corp. report. In an Oct. 21 research note, Mackie Research Capital Corp. analyst Bill Newman reported that Valeura Energy Inc. (VLE:TSX; PNWRF:OTCMKTS) completed the final test of the Inanli-1...

Oil & Gas Company Increases Credit Term Facility to Fund Second Well

The terms and the reason are presented in a Mackie Research Capital Corp. report. In a Nov. 1 research note, Mackie Research Capital Corp. analyst Bill Newman reported that Touchstone Exploration Inc. (TXP:TSX; PBEGF:OTC.MKTS) increased its term credit facility to $...

The Company that’s taking Psychedelics from ‘Underground to Mainstream’

(Click image to play video) On a trip to Amsterdam, an item on many traveler’s agendas would be to indulge in some famed Dutch truffles. It is an experience to heighten the mind that Canadian public Company Red Light Holland Corp. (TRIP) ( CSE: T...

Gold Producer's PEA 'Firms Up Growth Potential'

The contents of the report on Fiore Gold's Nevada project are reviewed by Mackie Research Capital Corp. In an April 9 research note, Mackie Research Capital Corp. analyst Stuart McDougall reported that Fiore Gold Ltd. (F:TSX.V; FIOGF:OTCQB) released a prel...

'Timing is Right' to Invest in Natural Gas Firm Weeks from Production Start

The rationale for this view concerning Alvopetro Energy is explained in a Mackie Research Capital Corp. report. In a June 2 research note, Mackie Research Capital Corp. analyst Bill Newman purported that Alvopetro Energy Ltd. (ALV:TSX.V; ALVOF:OTCQX) currently pr...

Oil & Gas Firm with 'Multibagger Return Potential' Trading at Discount

A Mackie Research Capital Corp. report reviewed what a newly acquired oil resource in Alberta brings to this Canadian company. In a March 14 research note, analyst Bill Newman reported that Point Loma Resources Ltd. (PLX:TSX) has "multibagger return potential" given t...

Canadian Oil & Gas Company Trades at Significant Discount, Analyst Says

A Mackie Research Capital report reviewed the firm's Q4/18 results and provided a brief look at 2019. In a March 28, 2019 research note, Mackie Research Capital Corp. analyst Bill Newman reported that Prairie Provident Resources Inc. (PPR:TSX) is "trading as one of th...

Oil & Gas Company's 'Borrowing Base Confirmed,' 2019 Capital Program Fully Funded

This finance news was covered in a Mackie Research Capital Corp. report. In an April 10 research note, Mackie Research Capital Corp. analyst Bill Newman reported that Prairie Provident Resources Inc.'s (PPR:TSX) US$60 million, senior-secured revolving note facility wa...

Energy Company 'Knocking It Out of the Park in Thailand'

This oil and gas firm's latest news and future catalysts were covered in a Mackie Research Capital Corp. report. In a May 8 research note, Mackie Research analyst Bill Newman reported that Pan Orient Energy Corp.'s (POE:TSX.V) four wells in the L53-DD fiel...

Oil & Gas Firm Expands Alberta Acreage, Announces Drill Program

Details of both events are described in a Mackie Research Capital Corp. report. In a May 21 research note, Mackie Research Capital Corp. analyst Bill Newman reported that Prairie Provident Resources Inc. (PPR:TSX) acquired an option to expand its Princess ...
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