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China’s Golden Corridor – Gold Reserves and Negative Yield

Just this past week, gold prices hit all-time highs in most major currencies. The British Pound… the Canadian Dollar… the Australian Dollar… the Indian Rupee… the Japanese Yen… the Chinese Yuan… the South African Rand… and more. It also broke above $1,500 i...

Bocana Resources advancing precious metals project in "favorable" Bolivian jurisdiction

Headquartered in Calgary, Bocana Resources is focused on exploring and developing precious metals assets in South America. Its primary focus rests on the Escala concession, located in the Sud Lipez Province in Southwestern Bolivia. Bocana Resources Chief Executive...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who’s Who in the Business of COVID

(Stock photo.) It’s another week of the COVID-19 pandemic, which means another week where we see the healthcare sector continue to dominate investor attention … and for good reason. Small-cap investors are always on the lookout for the most curre...

Commercialization Accelerates for POET Technologies’ Platform Technology

At POET Technologies, we have been a company of “-ization”. We had a goal for the “legitimization” of photonics in the semiconductor industry and built a hybrid-integration solution to deliver on the “optimization&CloseCurlyDoub...

Gold reacting to global flash points

Gold’s safe haven status was tested this week, as Iran countered the assassination of its top military commander with missile strikes against two Iraqi bases housing US troops. On Tuesday night Tehran fired over a dozen missiles at the Al-Asad airbase and E...

Visiting the Zinc8 Energy Storage Development and Production Facility

The Dawn of the Utility-Scale Battery Era Following the latest press-releases and positive media coverage on the Collaboration Agreement between Zinc8 Energy Solutions Inc. and the New York Power Authority (NYPA) to deploy a 100kW/1MWh energy storage system in New...

This Unique App “Matches the Perfect Customer to the Ideal Vehicle”

Negotiating a new vehicle purchase is often an exercise in futility and sometimes ends in frustration. Now, there’s a Canadian company that’s offering a unique new app that makes the entire purchase and financing easy. How? By bringing the ve...