I was born in the 1950s, a decade dominated by thousands of WWII servicemen marrying and starting families in the creation of the largest demographic in history, the "Baby Boom Generation." The 1950s saw Elvis Presley dominate the entertainment industry with ten #1 hits a...
Streetwise Reports
April 22, 2020
In recent months, central banks and politicians around the world have taken hand in hand actions to preserve the economy and social peace, despite restrictions to curb the spread of the Corona Pandemic. The money supply has been increased and travel opportunities have been res...
Mario Hose
July 2, 2020
(Click image to play video) Interface Technologies is a leading, privately-held Managed Information Technology Services Company located in Toronto, Ontario. A full-service provider that covers all the IT needs of small to midsize businesses, Interface Technolo...
Dave Jackson
October 9, 2020
“Travel,” Mahatma Gandhi once said, “is the language of peace.” If that’s the case—and I happen to believe that it is—then I’m extremely bullish about the future, especially with respect to ...
Frank Holmes
October 15, 2019
Central banks around the world are currently printing more money than ever before in connection with the Corona Pandemic to keep the rest of the economy afloat and maintain social peace. The short-time work allowance is equivalent to an unconditional basic income, and given...
Mario Hose
July 16, 2020
In the first quarter of 2019, global debt hit $246.5 trillion. Encouraged by lower interest rates, governments went on a borrowing binge as they ramped up spending, adding $3 trillion to world debt in Q1 alone. It reverses a trend that started in the beginning of 2018, of ...
Richard (Rick) Mills
October 21, 2019
The 1960s and 70s were decades of incredible social upheaval. Fed up with wars, governments out of touch with their ideals, authority figures who didn’t get them, the “flower children” of the '60s took to the streets to demand equal ri...
Richard (Rick) Mills
November 4, 2019
ATLANTA – The largest of the largest traders of gold futures on the COMEX in New York seemed to be in a hurry to reduce their net short positioning in the latest Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) commitments of traders (COT) reports released Friday, January 29. ...
Gene Arensberg
October 28, 2012
In mid-July , our Stockhouse audience was introduced to a fintech company with a very unique business model that’s created a secure, easy-to-use payment solution for the student market – Euro Asia Pay Holdings Inc. (EAP) ( CSE.EAP , Forum ). St...
Dave Jackson
September 21, 2021
The financial crisis in 2008 and the current corona crisis differ fundamentally in the assessment of the economic aspects. Central banks and politicians have maintained growth and productivity by increasing the money supply in order to avert a global economic standstill in con...
Mario Hose
June 11, 2020