Investors often keep focused on the most consistent plays, when times of renewed uncertainty rears its head in the markets. The recent wave of uncertainty follows the earlier wave, both caused by the U.S. debt ceiling deal and worries over an impending rec...
Jonathon Brown
June 1, 2023
Do you believe in parallel dimensions, alternate realities? Somewhere where there is no COVID, European tensions are just that – tense, market volatility is kept to a minimum. It is here, perhaps, in the inversed Buzz, where everything is “fine”...
Stockhouse Editorial
March 9, 2022
(Image via Theralase Technologies Inc.) Clinical-stage pharmaceutical company Theralase Technologies Inc. ( TSX-V: TLT , Forum ) has demonstrated proof-of-concept for its Canadian-made COVID-19 vaccine. In collaboration with the University of Manitoba (UM), t...
Stockhouse Editorial
February 9, 2022
One of my good friends from the 1980s and 1990s was the late Ian McAvity, a superb technical analyst, a founder of Central Fund of Canada, a Bay Street Mover and, most importantly, a humble and thoroughly enjoyable man. He was the first newsletter writer that I came acros...
Streetwise Reports
February 25, 2020
Adrift in a sea of global economic uncertainty and confusion, last week was full of tough questions for investors on the Stockhouse Bullboards. Some of the most popular companies on the website suffered setbacks, while other small caps gained attention as investors looked...
Stockhouse Editorial
February 16, 2022
On Monday, the Fed introduced QE-infinity. What does it imply for the US economy and the gold market? Fed Drops Bazooka… and Goes Nuclear Instead! On Monday, the Fed pulled out an even larger bazooka than it did previously. Or, forget about the bazooka. The US c...
Arkadiusz Sieron
March 26, 2020
Last week, the FOMC released the minutes from its last meeting. What implications do they carry for the gold market? FOMC Finally Acknowledges the Situation As Serious Last week, the FOMC has published minutes of its meeting from April 28-29. They show that the Fed...
Arkadiusz Sieron
May 27, 2020
During the coronavirus crisis many people couldn’t find physical gold, as there was a bullion shortage at dealerships. And these lucky individuals who managed to obtain bullion had to pay high premiums. We invite you to read our today’s articl...
Arkadiusz Sieron
June 26, 2020
The rubber has finally hit the road for Cannabis 2.0. And conventional wisdom says it's the infused beverage market to be the engine that will drive it. Hill Street Beverage Company Inc . ( TSX-V.BEER , OTCQB: HSEEF , Forum ) boasts some of the infused beverage sector&...
Dave Jackson
June 15, 2020
Investors need to understand and focus on two crucial points: Copper demand is going to be well beyond our wildest expectations . The average combustion engine requires 20kg of copper, a hybrid 40kg, and a plug-in EV 109kg, and the cars of the future a staggering...
Featured Submission
March 12, 2021