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Medigene, Memphasys, Qiagen - which stocks belong in the portfolio?

In times of price fluctuations, so-called 'buy on dips' strategy can be an effective method of achieving a favorable entry price for listed companies. Global trends as a framework can be decisive for a successful investment decision. For a modern society, the healthcare sector...

AMS, Memphasys, Osram, ProSiebenSat.1 Media - valuable access to customers

Access to customers is of high importance for most companies. Building brands is also a matter of trust. Before a company or product is established as a brand, an average of seven contacts or encounters must have taken place. The situation is different with recommendations fro...

Johnson & Johnson, Memphasys, Procter & Gamble - for a better life

Good health is a valuable possession. Small and large companies around the globe are engaged in research and development to make people's lives easier or better through modern and innovative products and solutions. The consumer goods and pharmaceutical sectors often offer attr...

BioNTech, Gilead, Memphasys - in the spotlight of investors overnight

There are topics and products that are the focus of general interest overnight. Often these are needs or problems that require a time-critical solution. The current situation surrounding the spread of the Corona Virus COVID-19 has brought numerous companies into the focus of i...

Burcon, HelloFresh, Memphasys, TUI - winners of the Corona crisis

The past three months have changed the world. Since the outbreak of the Corona Pandemic, the travel business has come to a standstill and the supply of various food products and everyday items has been characterized by bottlenecks. The meat industry is struggling with infectio...

Daimler, dynaCERT, NEL, Tesla - who will double the share price in 2020?

In the past few weeks, many vehicles have come to a standstill. Despite the decrease in traffic, pollution levels at measuring stations in German city centres have not decreased, as reported in the media. Detached from this realization, politicians are bringing a scrapping bon...

A Boomer's Plea

I was born in the 1950s, a decade dominated by thousands of WWII servicemen marrying and starting families in the creation of the largest demographic in history, the "Baby Boom Generation." The 1950s saw Elvis Presley dominate the entertainment industry with ten #1 hits a...

Evotec, Memphasys, MorphoSys - Growth Industry Health

He who is healthy has many desires, he who is ill only one. Companies around the globe deal with diseases and special features of nature in order to treat or cure them. In addition to the widespread disease of cancer, there are also topics that are less talked about, but are a...

What is the 'kiddie tax' when gifting stock?

The kiddie tax means that income from investments gains earned by a child from a gifted stock will be taxed at the parent’s tax rate, not the child’s tax rate. The kiddie tax applies to interest income, dividends, and capital ga...

Investors Snap Up Crocs Shares On Positive Q3 Earnings and Raised Yearly Outlook

Shares of Crocs Inc. traded 15% higher at times today reaching a 52-week intraday high price after the firm reported Q3/19 earnings and raised its FY/19 guidance. Early this morning Niwot, Colo. based Crocs Inc. (CROX:NASDAQ), which claims to be a top-10 world leade...
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