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Deere & Company (DE) stock could run on options-related support

Tractor titan Deere & Company ( NYSE: DE , Stock Forum ) kicked off the week with an optimistic analyst note, with Wells Fargo upgrading the stock to "outperform" from "market perform." Furthermore, the analysts said the company's construction and forestry segments should...

Cummins (CMI): Bullish bandwagon far from crowded

Engine issue Cummins Inc. ( NYSE: CMI , Stock Forum ) has been a broad-market standout, to say the least, besting its fellow S&P 500 Index (SPX) comrades with a gain of roughly 140% in 2010. What’s more, the equity has outperformed the SPX by almost 12% du...

The Potential for a Stock Rebound

Yesterday’s session in stocks was a true bloodbath that extended well into today’s overnight sessions. It offered two glimmers of hope: one very temporary that came shortly after we exited our tremendously profitable short position, and the othe...

The Economy Helps These Companies, But Makes Buying Difficult

Ares Capital Corp. (ARCC:NASDAQ, 18.85) is in a strong position to sustain its returns, currently earning over 11% on investments. The company is one of highest quality BDCs, with the added benefit of scale. It has strong dividend coverage, and room to increase leverag...

The Euro, the Yen, the Loonie: Really the Same Old Song?

Euro looks to be dealing us yet another day characterized as more of the same. Many of you would ask here, does the upswing have legs? Or is it rather a dead cat bounce? Armed with insights to the teeth, it still requires patience to let the market reveal its true colors. Not ...

Cash Usage Down, Gold Correspondingly Up?

In February, the World Gold Council released the newest edition of Gold Investor . What can we learn from the report? Let’s discuss gold’s role in the onslaught of the cashless society, its role as a portfolio diversifier, reverse asset and s...

Top 3 Currency Pairs Teeming with Profits

The euro bulls have repelled the bears’ attack yesterday though the bears are again making headway. Will they be able to break through today? The Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Index surprised on the upside, lending support to the U.S. currency. Our short euro ...

Analyst Stress Tests Sustainability of Occidental Petroleum's Common Dividend

The methods and findings of this analysis are presented in a Raymond James report. In a May 22 research note, Raymond James analyst Pavel Molchanov reported that Occidental Petroleum Corp.'s (OXY:NYSE) current "lofty" dividend yield could be the market sig...

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise

Sector expert Michael Ballanger describes why he has swung from long to short on the precious metals and miners. Before we go any further, let it be known that in the days leading up to this missive, i have gone from "net long" to "net short" on gold, silver...

R-Word Index, Google Trends and Gold

Everyone is discussing recession right now. But how much do they actually chatter about it? Does this talk reflect or change people’s perception? And the key question is: can the world-related indices predict the recession? Are they useful for the precious me...
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