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Dow Jones may have already bottomed But SP500 & Nasdaq have further to go

Have you been following our research? Were you prepared for this move like we were? Did you profit from this incredibly quick and volatile downside price move in the US markets? What is it going to do to the foreign markets and what next? Our team of researchers has been a...

A Sweet Spot in Terms of Clear Upside Potential

  Catching Up With…EMX Royalty (TSXV: EMX) EMX Royalty is a big story, which means it’s hard to sum up the investment rationale concisely. But I have liked – and owned – this company for years and it is today in the best spot I’ve ever seen in terms of clear upside p...

Confusion Reigns (Or What to Do When Nothing Makes Sense)

As I reach end-of-week, end-of-month book-squaring, where all of my urgent e-mails and all of my myopic missives and all of my topical tweets are summarized in once terse and quite concise "Monthly P&L," I am astounded at the most recent example of how masterfully the Gol...

Miner Advances Exploration at Flagship PGE Project

Maurice Jackson: Joining us today is Michael Rowley, president and CEO of Group Ten Metals Inc. (PGE:TSX.V; PGEZF:OTCQB; 5D32:FSE) , which is known for platinum, palladium, nickel, copper and cobalt in the Stillwater district in Montana. Glad to have you back, sir. Mi...

I do not trust the markets currently but Cole Evans is a different story.

These are perilous times with both a fast spreading virus and socioeconomic challenges. This was the theme of my talk at the newsletter writers presentation at PDAC and during my media interviews. Markets have a propensity to overshoot and over correct. Unfortunately I was r...

17 best payday loans online: Quick cash and fast approval this Christmas

If you face a financial emergency, traditional loans may not be a viable option if you have bad credit. So what can you do when you need quick cash – especially close if you need cash for Christmas gifts during the festive season? The best online payday loans are an a...