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Heritage Mining: your connection to precious & base metal assets in mining friendly regions

Welcome to the Market Herald Video Q&A Podcast.Heritage Mining Limited is focused on acquiring and developing Tier-1 advanced stage precious and base metal exploration projects in mining...

BioNTech, Evotec, EXMceuticals - Stocks with potential

Health is the most important thing in life. The current protective measures around the globe in connection with the spread of the Corona Virus Covid-19 show how great the fear and helplessness is. Above all, this pandemic has highlighted the extent of the global dependence on ...

EQS Group, EXMceuticals, Media and Games Invest - Buy recommendations from the experts

Analysts' reports on listed companies serve investors as an external source of information. As a rule, research houses publish their recommendations in connection with financing, the publication of financial statements or in order to increase awareness. The information is usua...

Bitcoin and Copper: A Surprising Connection

As Bitcoin continues to gain traction, an unexpected link to copper is becoming increasingly evident. As Bitcoin’s growth accelerates, so does the demand for copper. Projections indicate a 20% increase in global copper demand by 2035, reaching 30 million m...

Desert Gold, Scottie Resources, Triumph Gold - Fund manager explains gold price at USD 5,000

Central banks around the world are currently printing more money than ever before in connection with the Corona Pandemic to keep the rest of the economy afloat and maintain social peace. The short-time work allowance is equivalent to an unconditional basic income, and given...

Barrick Gold, Blackrock Gold, Osino Resources: buy when weak?

The price of gold and silver has come under pressure in the past few days and so too has the price of the shares of the companies involved in the creation of value for precious metals. The fear of another lockdown in connection with the Corona Pandemic seems to be worrying the...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Raise the roof?

Weakness in commodities’ prices have been felt on Bay Street and Wall Street as traders took stock of consumer inflation data. U.S. inflation fell faster than expected in last month to 4.9 per cent, raising chances of a pause in Federal Reserve rate hi...

The Empire Strikes Back: NY Accelerates Energy Transition

The Empire State is accelerating renewable energy development as part of its COVID-19 recovery efforts Alicia Barton, President & CEO of NYSERDA (New York State Energy Research & Development Authority), retweeted an article from CleanTechnica yesterday and comme...

Biotech Identifies Antibody with 100% SARS-CoV-2 Inhibition

The goal of Sorrento Therapeutics to develop a Covid-19 antibody cocktail, including its progress, next steps and market opportunity, is reviewed in a Dawson James report. In a May 26 research note, Dawson James analyst Jason Kolbert reported that Sorrento Therape...

Big-Time Communications Play = A Profitable Small-Cap Opportunity

(Click image to play video) The importance of clear, reliable communications cannot be understated. From smartphones to emergency broadband radio transceivers to advanced military / civilian satellite systems…every aspect of our everyday lives is dependent on st...
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