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There’s Gold in Them Thar Hills! The ‘Unique Business Model’ in the Historic Cariboo

The world’s most iconic precious metal has soared back into prominence in recent months, surpassing the $2,400 Canadian mark in mid-May. Yes, indeed, gold is back. Green River Gold Corp. (CCR) ( CSE.CCR , Forum ) was founded in the summer of 2017 by a g...

A Near Perfect Opportunity: Identifying a Solid Gold Story at its Beginning

Having a piece of highly prospective property is a good start for a junior resource company. Tocvan Resources ( TOC.CC ), after Mark Smethurst, the company’s COO, looked at over 150 possible properties, found a property with high gold and silver potential ...

Royalties Face Mine Problems and Tax Bills

Royal Gold Inc. (RGLD:NASDAQ; RGL:TSX, US$115.82) (115.82) is facing uncertainty on its main asset, the Mount Milligan copper-gold mine in British Columbia, whose stream accounts for nearly 30% of the company's revenue and its book value. The mine has experienced lower...

Magnesium, This Critical Mineral Opportunity has Nowhere to Go But Up

(Project map via West High Yield Resources.) Investors eyeing opportunities in the hot gold, silver, and rare earth element (REE) markets may have a lot of options, but few check as many boxes as West High Yield Resources Ltd. ( TSX-V: WHY , OTC: WHYRF , ...

Cypress Development Makes Lithium Flow Sheet Enhancements

On Aug. 29, Cypress Development Corp. (CYP:TSX.V; CYDVF:OTCQB; C1Z1:FSE) announced the successful completion of the slurry rheology and filtration studies that are an integral part of the prefeasibility study (PFS) for its Clayton Valley clay-hosted lithium project, l...

Precious Metals Producers Make Progress, But Costs Are a Constant Struggle

Newmont Goldcorp Corp. (NEM:NYSE, $42.83) is in our portfolio because Newmont acquired Goldcorp. Over the past eight months, it has been active with major sales, including 50% of Kalgoorlie in Australia—Barrick also sold the other 50% just a little before—and Red Lake ...

Junior Exploration Companies on Adrian Day's Buy List

Evrim Resources Corp. (EVM:TSX.V, Toronto, 0.315) is coming closer to generating long-term revenue. The Ermitano project it discovered and sold to First Majestic keeping a royalty is on track for a Q1 2021 production start-up. The property is adjacent to First Majestic's...

Good Buys Among Resource Companies

Fund manager Adrian Day looks at four of the resource companies in his portfolio, three of which he calls good buys at current prices. Altius Minerals Corp. (ALS:TSX.V, Toronto, 10.71) generated $78 million in royalty revenue last year, following a soft las...

Mostly Strong Results from Majors as Gold Zooms

With a higher gold price (in the fourth quarter) than in the same quarter a year ago, results have been generally positive. But last week's jump in the gold price on concerns about coronavirus have taken many gold stocks to short-term overvalued levels and made them vulne...

An Emerging Player, Heading Towards a Production Decision at the Kenbridge Nickel Deposit

(Figure 1. The geological block model for the Kenbridge Nickel Deposit illustrating high grade nickel drill hole intersections from previous drilling campaigns. Image via Tartisan Nickel Corp.) Investors eyeing opportunities in the hot nickel market may have a lot of ...
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