It was only a few hours ago that I was cruising through a lovely early-autumn Friday afternoon preparing for one of the last weekends at the marina for the 2019 season when I came across the much-heralded (and often misinterpreted) COT report. I was on the way up the ea...
Streetwise Reports
October 1, 2019
It was one of those days that all sexagenarians loathe; you have to go to the doctor, and whether it's the GP (general practitioner) or the dentist or the proctologist, nothing reminds you more rapidly of your advancing age than going to the optometrist. Now, many of ...
Streetwise Reports
January 14, 2020
(Click image to play video) While the global COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on health and humanity over the past 12-month-plus, it has also invited a host of creative and innovative solutions to meet the needs of people who require a medical attention witho...
Dave Jackson
April 9, 2021
The StockTalk Podcast Hosts Expert Panel on Palladium & PGMs Palladium is a rare, precious metal – one of the six platinum group metals (PGMs). Its very name conjures up exotic images of a glistening, space-age metal with a price-tag that matches its scarcity. ...
Dave Jackson
October 31, 2019
Gold is the most popular precious metal to invest in. Gold is what’s known as a “safe haven asset” where investors buy-in as a way of diversifying risk, especially through futures contracts and derivatives. Like other markets, gold is subj...
Stockhouse Editorial
July 24, 2019
Consistently extracting profits In our chartbook publication from last week we published a chart with entry levels as a guide on when to enter the market. Briefly after publication, the first low risk price level was approached. Consequently we posted a screen...
Korbinian Koller
February 12, 2020
Back in August 2019 , Stockhouse investors and readers were introduced to a unique palladium play. Palladium, you say? Yes. And it’s not the string of famous theatres and movie palaces across North America. So what is the metal palladium, and what exactly i...
Dave Jackson
November 6, 2020
Calling all carnivores: ever thought about getting a meat printer? Of hand-crafting delectable beef steaks at home from plant proteins, that have the same texture, appearance and flavor as real meat, only without the distasteful killing part? 3D-printed steaks and chicken ...
Richard (Rick) Mills
November 15, 2019
Investors looking for an entrance into the crypto space have many choices. And while many are called, few are chosen. Some are different and frankly, better. Enter Blockchain Foundry Inc. ( CSE.BCFN , OTCMKTS: BLFDF , Forum ) – a company that develops and commercial...
Dave Jackson
August 19, 2021
CareSpan Health Inc. ( TSX-V.CSPN , Forum ) is a disruptive, transformative, and empowering company providing a digital healthcare platform that integrates digital care tools, capabilities, and data in one place. The company's proprietary "Clinic-in-the Cloud" is a c...
Dave Jackson
January 24, 2022