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Natural Gas Reloads For Another Price Rally

As a technical trader, one has to really learn to appreciate when a trade “reloads” for another move higher. Much like the Gold base/bottom in April 2019 below $1300 that we called back in October 2018. When a trend confirms and we can see the potential...

A Real Blockchain Developer goes live, eXeBlock Technology (CSE:XBLK)

Last night I attended the Grit Capital's Banking on Blockchain event in Vancouver, along with seemingly every person I've ever met in this city's financial scene. The place was packed - standing room only in a ballroom that usually seats 300+. HIVE Blockchain (HIVE.V) ...

Amazon Prime Air Stuck in the Hanger While Competitors Are Flying Deliveries

Sector expert Ron Struthers examines the market forces surrounding the drone delivery industry, and recommends a Canadian firm that is flying high. Amazon Prime Air is mostly hot air. Working with regulators is the key to progress. Google and Drone Deli...

Catching up with the all the ‘Gold Hits from CCR’: Part 2

Perry Little, the CEO of Green River Gold Corp. (CCR) ( CSE.CCR , Forum ) would like to introduce QP Stephen Kocsis, P.Geo who will be involved with the company’s mineral and placer gold exploration projects. Stephen is based in Quesnel, a short drive fro...