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Price-Leading Fuel Cell Technology with Zero CO2 Emissions

A fuel cell is a clean electrical power conversion/generation system, akin to a small power station that provides electricity and an equivalent amount of heat for various purposes. Alkaline Fuel Cell Power Corp. ( NEO.PWWR , Forum ) is at the forefront of this technolo...

EVs get a boost from Big Auto

Is the age of the gas-powered automobile coming to an end? Doubtful. In the US, electric vehicles (EVs) only make up about 1% of the new vehicle market, a little better in Canada, at 8%. Things are moving much faster in Europe and Asia. Norway is the world leader ...

Copper market is a coiled spring

As the third most-consumed metal on earth, behind iron and aluminum, copper is all around us. Found naturally in the earth’s crust, copper was among the first metals used by early humans, dating back to the 8th century, BC. Three thousand years later homo ...

Company with Technology to Revolutionize Electric Motors on the Radar of ...

Company with Technology to Revolutionize Electric Motors on the Radar of Canaccord Genuity Investment Advisor Exro's groundbreaking energy efficiency solution has attracted top talent, and manufacturers are signing on. Brent Todd, an investment a...

EV predictions show strained metals supply

One of the most prevalent current trends concerning mined commodities is the shift, driven by the effort to reduce our carbon footprint, is towards the electrification of the global transportation system. Electrification is part of the solution to averting further glo...

Lithium M&A heating up despite trade war

After several months without a significant deal, a lithium exploration company and a lithium producer are the latest investment targets, as demand for the white metal crucial for the manufacture of lithium-ion batteries continues to soar. This is in spite of the fact that ...

An 'Electrical Storm' of Catalysts Converge to Jump Start Sales of Eguana's Solar-Power ...

An 'Electrical Storm' of Catalysts Converge to Jump Start Sales of Eguana's Solar-Power Storage Solutions The small-cap energy storage firm just signed a global production agreement with industry heavyweight Jabil. The Punch: Eguana Technologies Inc. (EGT:...

What re-opening success or failure means for metals

“There is a Chinese curse which says ‘May he live in interesting times.’ Like it or not we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also more open to the creative energy of men than any other time in history.&CloseCurl...

Kardashian-Style News Bomb: Already Big Ashram Gets Bigger And Bigger

Bigger is Better (at least in this respect) What a pleasant surprise! The Ashram Rare Earth and Fluorspar Deposit continues to grow. As announced today by Commerce Resources Corp. , recent core assays for vertical drilling at Ashram has disc...

Industry Slides Deeper into Recession. Will Gold Shine Now?

Some analysts has argued that the manufacturing sector reached a through. But this not the case. The latest Fed’s report on the industrial production and capacity utilization clearly shows that the pundits were wrong again. As they so often are. The industri...
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