I t's currency. It's luxury. It's even dessert. But those are only the base uses of gold. This is the stuff of gods, big and small. Since the dawn of civilization it has held sway over spirit and soul and what the ancient Egyptians knew then, everyone still knows now: Gold is...
Joao Peixe
July 23, 2019
Loews Corp. (L:NYSE, 33.70) reported a profit in the last quarter, driven by earnings at CNA Insurance and Boardwalk Pipelines, as well as investment income at the parent level. But investment income will likely disappear for the next quarter or so, while Diamond Offshor...
Streetwise Reports
April 3, 2020
When planetary scientists search for life on other planets the first thing they look for is evidence of water. “There are two main questions in the search for life: With so many places to look, how can we focus in on the places most likely to harbor life? What are the unmi...
Richard (Rick) Mills
August 23, 2019
In January 2018, something strange happened in the Sahara Desert: it snowed . The Algerian town of Ain Sefra, named the “Gateway to the Sahara”, reportedly received up to an inch, barely enough to get the average North American out of bed early to scra...
Richard (Rick) Mills
July 19, 2019
Pain impedes the life of millions around the world, and the market for topical creams to treat this pain is growing at an accelerated rate as people choose to treat pain directly vs ingesting pain killers. Some analysts, such as those at Allied Market Research, project that ...
Jonathon Brown
May 2, 2022
As the third most-consumed metal on earth, behind iron and aluminum, copper is all around us. Found naturally in the earth’s crust, copper was among the first metals used by early humans, dating back to the 8th century, BC. Three thousand years later homo ...
Richard (Rick) Mills
February 12, 2020
What exactly does it mean when pundits say that gold is a “store of value” and “hedge against inflation”? In this article we’re diving deep into these questions and discussing how gold has performed over tim...
Richard (Rick) Mills
May 1, 2020
Living and eating healthier isn’t just about improving and enriching our lives, it offers investors – both retail and institutional – immense opportunities. Enter Billy Goat Brands ( CSE.GOAT , Forum ) – a Vancouver BC-based venture capital platform f...
Dave Jackson
September 16, 2021
An innovative product development company with a patented skin delivery technology appears to be making major breakthroughs in the topical and transdermal cannabis space. On April 16, 2019, Ovation Science Inc. ( C.OVAT , Forum ) announced the launch of its new topical...
Dave Jackson
April 24, 2019
“ Build the wall! ” he chanted. And they laughed. Until he actually started building the wall. “ Cut corporate taxes! ” he campaigned. And they laughed. Until the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. “Buy Greenland...
Marin Katusa
August 30, 2019