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Esports — a surging investment opportunity in 2022

COVID changed nearly every business across the marketplace for better and worse, but a market that has seen incredible growth in the last two years is esports.One of the latest companies in this...

Incredible Price Anomaly Setup in the NQ

Our research team has been alerting our followers to a potentially deep price retracement setting up in the NQ and other US stock market majors. Although the recent price activity has pushed to newer recent highs this week, as you will see in the chart below, our Adaptive Dyna...

Is Silver The Sleeper Rally Setup Of A Lifetime?

Our research team believes Silver could be the Sleeper Rally setup of a lifetime for investors if the global economic cards continue to get scattered and crumpled over the next 10+ years. The recent rally in Gold got a lot of attention last Friday (the end of May 2019). We had...

Extended Gold Mega Base Could Prompt An Incredible Rally

Here we go again.. We've been nailing the Precious Metals moves for many months and we've heard from many of our followers and members about our research. Some of you might remember our November 24, 2018 prediction that Gold would rally above $1300, then stall and set up a “ M...

Is this the last leg higher for the DOW Index?

Our researchers, at Technical Traders Ltd., believe this current upside price move is nearing the end of any immediate upside potential. Yes, back in December 2018 and before, we called for an “Ultimate Low” pattern setup followed by an incredible run to ...

Precious Metals ADL Predictions Getting Ready For A Big Move

This weekend we thought we would share some really important data and charts with all of you precious metals bugs/traders (like us). You probably remember our October 5 th , 2018 call in Gold that has set off an incredible series of events for all of us. We made a prediction t...

Watch For +15% Move In Chinese Stocks

Last week we had strong numbers out of China and our research continues to suggest the Chinese stock market could be poised for an upside price rally of at least 15% over the next 30+ days before possibly reaching a peak in June or July 2019. Our Fibonacci predictive modeling ...

Natural Gas and Crude Oil – Diverging Setups For Technical Traders

Over the past few weeks and months, we've been alerting our followers to the incredible setups in Natural Gas and Crude Oil. If you've been following our research, you already know on May 21st we called for Oil to break down from $62 level with a target of $55 then $49 pri...

Global Economic Tensions Translate Into Oil Volatility

Our continued efforts to alert and assist fellow traders to the incredible setups that are currently happening throughout the globe with regards to increased global economic tensions are starting to take root. We are hearing from our readers and follower and we love the commen...

Downside Opportunities Everywhere – Watch These Symbols

As the global markets enter the Q1 earnings season where a host of new data and expectations will flood the markets over the next 30+ days, skilled traders should put these three symbols on their watch-list over the next few days and weeks. We’ve been writi...
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