In the 1986 classic ‘Platoon’, Charlie Sheen’s character Chris Taylor tells everyone that he dropped out of college to serve in the Vietnam War. This sets him apart from the other grunts and makes Taylor seem noble and patriotic, giving up sch...
Richard (Rick) Mills
November 29, 2019
Proteostasis Therapeutics' shares traded higher today after the company reported positive results in its European Cystic Fibrosis study of organoids grown from human stem cells. The firm believes the ongoing ex-vivo study supports initiation of a human clinical trial in mid-20...
Streetwise Reports
December 12, 2019
The rich are getting richer, inequality is on the rise, and the middle class, the backbone of the US economy since the 1950s, is shrinking. In 2018 the three highest-paid chief executives in the United States earned more than the output of several countries. Tesla&Close...
Richard (Rick) Mills
March 19, 2020
Mattress stuffers or bullion holders? Who fares better in a crisis? North American investors are divided between those who believe the decade-long stock market bull is going to keep running into the 2020s, and investors who, wary of something terrible happening, are hoarding...
Richard (Rick) Mills
December 20, 2019
The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer, and for that we can largely blame policies of envy that increasingly restrict investors’ access to wealth-building instruments. Case in point: I was recently invited to participate in a pri...
Frank Holmes
October 15, 2019
The 1960s and 70s were decades of incredible social upheaval. Fed up with wars, governments out of touch with their ideals, authority figures who didn’t get them, the “flower children” of the '60s took to the streets to demand equal ri...
Richard (Rick) Mills
November 4, 2019
I was born in the 1950s, a decade dominated by thousands of WWII servicemen marrying and starting families in the creation of the largest demographic in history, the "Baby Boom Generation." The 1950s saw Elvis Presley dominate the entertainment industry with ten #1 hits a...
Streetwise Reports
April 22, 2020
Star Navigation bridges the gap between flight experience and flight safety. In the aerospace industry, the Ontario-based aviation safety tech company offers both hardware and software solutions that work in real-time. The company continues to gain traction with ...
Simon Druker
March 14, 2023
I’m just going to come right out and say it: The United States is not equipped to deal with a pandemic. The nation of 327 million, despite having the number one economy in the world, and by far the most powerful military, is shockingly ill-prepared, not only ...
Richard (Rick) Mills
March 31, 2020
Hit hard by the pandemic when it first struck China in February, then again in March when it spread to the Middle East, Europe and North America, over the past month copper prices have ticked up, as economies gradually reopen and growth prospects improve. True to its “Dr. ...
Richard (Rick) Mills
June 12, 2020