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Barrick Gold, Royal Dutch Shell, Newmont - which shares should you have now?

Stock markets around the world are in recovery mode. Fear and panic over the spread of the corona virus is fading and greed is returning. COVID-19 has kept the world in suspense. After hesitant action by governments in Europe and North America, although curfews were imposed in...

Why the COVID-19 Pandemic Is Serious? And Why It’s Good for Gold

What do chess and the epidemic have in common? What is the difference between linear and exponential growth? Should we really worry about this pandemic? And last but not least, how will the COVID-19 crisis affect the gold prices? We invite you thus to read our today&CloseCurly...

The Mirage Called 'Modern Monetary Theory'

I was poring over the Federal Reserve minutes from Feb. 21, and as I was rolling my eyes and looking around my den for something to throw, I was reminded of the comments from then-Fed chairman Ben Bernanke years ago when he was asked if the Fed was "monetizing debt." The ...

Central Bank Folly: Blame the Boomers

"Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper." —Ayn Rand The baby-boom generation, of which I am a less-than-proud member, blew it. There was a time long, long ago when the mention of the words "baby boomer" evoked a sense of pride of me...

Equity Metals Brings Fresh Eyes to Silver Queen's Resources

Introduction This, perhaps, won't be the most original remark or statement, but sometimes a project can benefit from a fresh pair of eyes that use a whole new approach to unlock value. New Nadina Explorations Ltd. had a massive run about two years ago, when the share...

Covid, debt and precious metals

Precious metals are loving the uncertainty the coronavirus has created. Despite limited successes some countries have had with reopening, the virus is nowhere near contained. As of this writing, close to 6 million worldwide are infected and 365,328 have died. The importan...

What re-opening success or failure means for metals

“There is a Chinese curse which says ‘May he live in interesting times.’ Like it or not we live in interesting times. They are times of danger and uncertainty; but they are also more open to the creative energy of men than any other time in history.&CloseCurl...