The past week on the TSX has been one for the books, with significant gains driven largely by advancements in the technology sector. The S&P 500 and NASDAQ have hit fresh highs, a clear sign of a hungry market bolstered by technology stocks. This momentum has put a spot...
Jonathon Brown
June 20, 2024
BIGG Digital Assets, Bitcoin Group, Chainalysis - why invest now? The blockchain hype was around two years ago and a lot has changed since then. A consolidation phase has cleared the market and what has remained are the companies and teams that have been able to convin...
Mario Hose
February 13, 2020
The location-based technology provider INEO Tech Corp. (TSXV:INEO) started growing its business right here in Canada but has since expanded to 23 states across the United States and even Colombia. The company has managed to combine advertising at storefront entran...
Brieanna McCutcheon
November 16, 2023
The two firms are bringing together lighting, cameras and analytic technology. Energetika, an international firm based in Mexico City that provides intelligent lighting solutions, is collaborating with VSBLTY Groupe Technologies Corp. (VSBY:CSE; VSBGF:OTC; 5VS:FRA) ,...
Streetwise Reports
November 21, 2019
Germans, like Indians and Chinese, love their gold - although their reasons for buying and keeping bullion are somewhat different. In China and India, gold jewelry is a status symbol - a sign of wealth and success. In Germany, owning gold bars and coins, maybe a 24-karat ...
Richard (Rick) Mills
January 24, 2020
In recent weeks, the German media have frequently reported on a so-called supply chain law. The aim of such a law is to ensure that German companies respect human rights and protect the environment in the procurement of materials and products. The world should become a bette...
Mario Hose
July 21, 2020
The recent “melt-up” in the US stock market after a moderate downside price move in early May 2020 has set up a number of technical patterns that traders need to pay attention to. This melt-up trend may continue for a bit longer, but price levels and ac...
Chris Vermeulen
June 3, 2020
First responders deserve better. Their traditional land mobile radio (LMR) setups are clunky, offer only low data speeds, and have limited coverage with dead zones that often slow down response times. Siyata Mobile Inc. ( NASDAQ: SYTA , Forum ) , with its push-to-talk ov...
Featured Submission
August 11, 2021
It's a funny thing that happens when the stress of financial insolvency bubbles up to the surface. Decisions once considered "routine" (like brushing one's teeth or walking one's dog) suddenly have life-or-death outcomes, complete with cold sweats, sleepless nights and ...
Streetwise Reports
October 11, 2019
Fifty-three years after LSD was banned by the FDA, psychedelic drugs are making a comeback. Only instead of being the pills, mushrooms and acid tabs that helped college students to “turn on, tune in, drop out” Timothy Leary-style, today’...
Richard (Rick) Mills
December 3, 2019