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Ximen takes a shot at history, focuses on acquiring the high-grade Kenville Gold Mine

When the stars align over southern Canada Full size / The Kenville Mine was the first underground lode gold mine in British Columbia and is well known for the nature of its high-grade gold content. Already one of North America’s best performing go...

Ximen Mining Cuts to the Chase, Expands Work Efforts on Multiple Properties ...

Ximen Mining Cuts to the Chase, Expands Work Efforts on Multiple Properties in Southern British Columbia The Beauty of High-Grade Gold (and Silver!) Ximen Mining Corp. continues to deliver a strong newsflow which may even increase with today&Close...

Ximen is pressing ahead aggressively with its goal of becoming a gold producer

Mining plan now revealed A new underground mine scoop loader awaits deployment at Kenville Gold Mine. (Source: Ximen Mining Corp. ) The gold bull is back! At least according to Adam Hamilton, who cut right to the chase in his June 21, 2019 article “Go...

Kick Off for Possibly One of Canada‘s Greatest Gold Stories, in Respect of Shareholder Value

Ximen Mining: Paving the Road(s) to Success All Roads Lead to Greenwood: Golden Dawn Minerals‘ modern Greenwood Mill processing facility near the city of Greenwood in southern British Columbia, Canada. Although this report may seem a bit long, I can only urg...

Ximen frees Kenville Gold Mine from royalty burden, making it more attractive for development

“A Great Gold Mine in the Making“ Free gold in quartz was not uncommon in the past producing, historically high-grade Kenville Gold Mine, formerly known as the Granite-Poorman Mine, British Columbia’s first underground lode gold mine which was discover...