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How Technology Helps Build Shareholder Perception

Technology is fundamentally changing business platforms and the way managers and executive directors plan, operate, manage, market, communicate and make a profit in business. In fact, some of the best-known brands and successful entrepreneurs focus on and are driven by t...

dynaCERT, NEL ASA, Royal Helium - benefit from the UN climate mission

Helium and hydrogen are now not only driving space travel and modern mobility, the inert gases are also the focus of investors and politicians. While Elon Musk and Richard Branson want to make space tourism possible and NASA is using SpaceX to implement extensive programmes wi...

NEL, Nikola, Tesla - is the world facing a new billion-dollar scandal?

The Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) is a renowned organization focusing on research, economic policy advice and analysis. It sees itself as the research institute for globalisation issues in Germany. The institute cooperates worldwide with universities, research ins...

Introducing: The Device to Replace Antiquated Paper-Based Systems

(Image via Visionstate Corp. Click to enlarge.) The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects “things” that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data ...

BlackRock CEO says climate crisis will reshape finance, DynaCERT approaches escape velocity

631 investors from around the world, representing ~US$37 trillion in assets, signed a letter in December urging governments to step up their efforts against climate change. This letter put pressure on major asset managers to articulate strategies around sustainability. ...

This Company is Already Generating Revenue in Canada’s New Data Frontier

(Image via SkyChain Technologies Inc.) Considered the future of enterprise data processing, Edge computing promises major leaps in data processing, as it allows internet consumers to use more connected applications and devices with minimal latency / lag time and networ...

Top 5 Smart Contract Technology Platforms in 2019

Cryptocurrency is still the hot trend. The industry enjoyed a great boom in 2017 — then, Bitcoin skyrocketed, and so did almost all altcoins. ICOs also gained immense popularity, collecting more than $7 billion in investments . The trend was expected to continue in 2018, but ...

Data speeds are increasing to 1.6T – what does that mean for you?

By POET Technologies The internet is getting faster and what’s making it happen is the increase in data speeds from 400G to 800G and 1.6T – and eventually beyond. Modern life demands these increases because our world has an insatiable desire for ban...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Celebrating Success in Difficult Times with an Eye to a Profitable 2021.

As we continue the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, the recent global rollout of effective vaccines to win the battle against the coronavirus gives us pause to give hope for a better 2021 and reflect on some of the amazing accomplishments both individuals and companie...

Rockridge Resources Reports 7 Assays, Incl. Intercept of 15m @ 2.45% Copper Equiv.

Rockridge Resources (TSX-V: ROCK) / (Frankfurt: RR0 ) is an exploration company focused on acquiring, exploring & developing mineral resource properties in Canada. Its focus is copper & base metals; more specifically — base, green energy & battery metals — of which copper is ...
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