The global economic expansion continues apace, albeit not without hiccups and setbacks focused around the PIIGS group of nations. There, we recently saw trouble manifest in Fitch Ratings Agency’s downgrade of Portuguese sovereign debt (from AA to AA-), an eve...
Matt McAbby
October 28, 2012
As soon as American Thanksgiving passes, the mood in North American markets shifts dramatically. Investors start to contend with holidays, gifts, and vacations on one hand, and the end of their fiscal years on the other. Companies also look to end the calendar year on a po...
Omri Wallach
December 4, 2019
Galantas Gold Corporation recently operated on their open pit gold mine in Northern Ireland. Continuing to mine, they have around two kilometres of underground development completed so far, and today I have the pleasure of speaking with the company CEO and Executive ...
Daniella Atkinson
December 20, 2022
Stock investing can be exciting, but it shouldn’t be a rollercoaster ride for investors. If you know how to read company reports, basis spreadsheets, and what financial measures to review, you’re more likely to pick a winning stock. Staying up...
Stockhouse Editorial
June 4, 2019
Pan Global Resources Inc. ( TSX: V.PGZ , OTCQB: PGNRF , Forum ) is a name now familiar to Stockhouse investors. First introduced in a full-length feature article from August 28, 2018, that earlier piece described Pan Global as a junior copper exploration and development ...
Stockhouse Editorial
June 18, 2019
The current stock bull market, already the longest in U.S. history, turns 10 years old this month. It’s been a phenomenally profitable time to participate, especially if you’ve stuck to an investment strategy that favors dividend-paying stocks. As you can see in the ch...
Frank Holmes
March 7, 2019
Last Updated on Interest in gold and gold stocks has skyrocketed in the last 2 weeks. And for good reason. Let’s recap what we’ve just seen in short order… Explosive price gains – check . Massive changes in investor senti...
Marin Katusa
April 17, 2020
When it comes to closing prices, stocks entered the month of June on a strong note, but the daily volume wasn't exactly convincing. While many signs though continue to be arrayed behind the slow grind higher, first swallows of short-term non-confirmation are appearing. Which w...
Monica Kingsley
June 2, 2020
Neither on Monday, nor on Tuesday did we see strong volume, but prices rose regardless –is it time to bet the farm on higher stocks right next? As quite a few yesterday-mentioned reasons to be cautious were resolved bullishly, the buyers' case got stronger. S&P 500 in the ...
Monica Kingsley
June 4, 2020
As the markets grapple with the coronavirus story, the stock market is no exception. Jittery and volatile trading is what we’ve seen on Friday, January 24 already. In the heat of the moment, it’s easy to sell first and ask questions later. But t...
Monica Kingsley
February 4, 2020