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Aviation industry remains up in the air rebounding from COVID-19

Aviation is a multi-billion dollar industry that gets us where we need to go, but with those dollars comes a lot of attention especially when incidents, good or bad end up on social media. As the airline industry navigates, rebounding, following the COVID-19 pandemic, as ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who’s filling the void in the tech selloff?

Last week was full of tough questions for investors navigating the waters of a sea of global economic uncertainty and confusion. Investors remain in a holding pattern as we witnessed some of the most popular companies among our communities (many in the tech sector) st...

Buzz on the Bullboards: No tariffs? No problem!

Following a significant drop on Monday, Canada’s main stock index, the TSX , rebounded on Tuesday. This recovery came after President Donald Trump temporarily backed down from his tariff threats against Ottawa, providing a month-long reprieve. The TSX&...

New Beginnings With the Year of the Rat

Saturday marked the Chinese Lunar New Year, a time when as many as 400 million people ordinarily travel to visit family and go on vacation. Before the coronavirus struck, 3 billion trips were estimated to take place during the 16-day celebration, while some 79 million p...

Coronavirus China Infection Statistics Analysis, Probability Forecasts 1/2 Million Infected

We in the West are in still the CALM before the Coronavirus STORM stage, both in terms of infections and in terms of economic impact as we witness China's economy effectively grind to a halt, a harbinger of what to expect to come that the financial markets are STILL NOT disc...

Here Be Dragons, 'Hic Sunt Dracones'

We have sailed off the map of the known world into totally uncharted waters. No one, including me, knows exactly where we are or where we are headed. But hic sunt dracones is an excellent warning, here be dragons. If I was still flying and needed to give a brief to my...

Adyen, Ryanair, dynaCERT: Return on investment thanks to revolutions

Turn an industry upside down and make a fortune? Since Elon Musk, the term "disruption" has become a familiar term among investors. How does one succeed in turning an industry upside down, and how do yesterday's revolutionaries look? Answers to these questions can be in the ex...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Raise the roof?

Weakness in commodities’ prices have been felt on Bay Street and Wall Street as traders took stock of consumer inflation data. U.S. inflation fell faster than expected in last month to 4.9 per cent, raising chances of a pause in Federal Reserve rate hi...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Which stocks are winning this summer?

While most summers tend to be quiet on the market front, this year has been a bit of an exception. Given another rate hike from the U.S. Federal Reserve, traders have been weighing their portfolios. The Dow Jones has been riding a lucky 13-session win streak, while the TS...

New technology to screen for security threats

Liberty Defense Holdings ( TSXV:SCAN ) ( OTCQB:LDDFF ) has spent USD$30 million over the last two years developing a next generation threat detection solution for the aviation and the urban security market. The company recently announced sales and is making progress on a ...
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