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Rick Rule's holiday gifts to grow wealth

The average Canadian will spend C$1478 this holiday season with 43 per cent of the budget spent with online platforms Rule likes the idea of gifting precious metals and company shares as an alternative to traditional Christmas gifts “Philanthropy with a...

Platform that Connects Brick and Mortar to Digital Innovates During Coronavirus Pandemic

Loop Insights' recent launch of a contactless verification platform and $100,000 in developmental funding from Amazon Web Services are two big plays for the company as it leads brick and mortar's digital transformation during the Covid-19 crisis. Loop Insights Inc....

17 best payday loans online: Quick cash and fast approval this Christmas

If you face a financial emergency, traditional loans may not be a viable option if you have bad credit. So what can you do when you need quick cash – especially close if you need cash for Christmas gifts during the festive season? The best online payday loans are an a...