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January 2018 Stock Market Repeat - Yikes!

Our research team caught a very interesting price pattern that correlates with the Put/Call ratio. We are alerting our friends and followers with this research post of this exciting, yet unconfirmed, set up today. In late 2017, the US stock market rallied from July through...

Asante Gold confident of finding more gold at Keyhole

Keyhole lies at the intersection of three major regional gold mineralized trends Asante Gold Corp ( CVE:ASE , CNSX:ASE,) has unveiled encouraging results from first drilling at the Keyhole option property in the Asankrangwa gold belt in Ghana, which have prompted an exp...

Revisiting “Black Monday – 1987” – October 19, Part I

Back in the day, for those of you that are old enough to remember and have experienced one of the most incredible trader psychology driven stock market decline in recent history. The difference between “Black Monday” and most of the other recent stoc...

Commodities sector has a new king

Gold is grabbing the headlines setting daily record highs. Silver is setting an-even-more-torrid pace. Wheat and coffee - American breakfast table staples - are surging due to bad weather around the world. But there's another commodity that's up big: It's surged ...

US Stock Market Enters Parabolic Price Move – Be Prepared, Part II

In the first part of this research article, we briefly discussed the recent price and global economic events related to the 2018 to 2020 US stock market volatility and the COVID-19 virus event. The premise of this research post was to highlight the current upside parab...

Are Metals Beginning Another Rally Attempt?

Recently, the US stock market rallied to new all-time highs which prompted an almost immediate celebration. A day later, the US stock markets reacted by setting up multiple top rotation patterns. The next day, a moderate price rally set up after the US Fed decreased rates by 2...

VIX Warns Of Imminent Market Correction

The VIX is warning that a market peak may be setting up in the global markets and that investors should be cautious of the extremely low price in the VIX. These extremely low prices in the VIX are typically followed by some type of increased volatility in the markets. The ...

Is The Coronavirus bullish for Stocks?

Earnings volatility has certainly been big. Tesla pushed the markets much higher early this week and the US stock markets have continued the upward momentum after the State Of The Union address and the acquittal of President Trump on Wednesday. Still, we continue to believe ...

Political Uncertainty, How Your Real Estate is Effected?

Cross-Border Real Estate Investment Amid Political Uncertainty With heightened political uncertainty between the United States and Canada, real estate investors are reassessing their strategies to navigate shifting market dynamics. From regulatory changes to evolvin...

Our Custom Index Charts Suggest The Markets Are In For A Wild Ride

Over the past week, our members have been emailing us and asking us “what's going to happen next” and “any updates on the move in metals and the US stock markets”. With this incredible downside move prompted by the US Fed and the US/...
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