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Crude Oil’s Failure Leads to a Profitable Opportunity

Crude oil moved sharply higher yesterday, almost touching the previous August highs, but it didn’t manage to break above them. The resistance that we outlined in the previous Oil Trading Alerts kept the rally in check, and we already see the result. Crude oil s...

Dr. Copper's diagnosis: a strong recovery

As stocks have slipped lower over the last three months, copper has bucked the broad trend and broken the pattern of lower highs and lower lows it set in the spring. After bottoming on June 7, the iPath Dow Jones-UBS Copper Subindex Total Return ETN - which closel...

Failed Breakouts Take a Heavy Toll on the Oil Bulls

The bulls certainly made a strong run yesterday but didn’t finish the day on a strong note in the least. That’s an understatement, actually. They’ve given up almost all of their gains, closing below the many important resistances...

The Oil Reversal in Progress

Let's take a closer look at the chart below (chart courtesy of ) and assess the likely crude oil price path ahead. We wrote these words yesterday, and they ring true also today: (…) The short-term situation hasn’t changed much. Crude...

The Glorious Sound of Ringing In Decent Profits

Don’t be fooled by the apparent indecision in some currency pairs while we see the others moving to fresh 2019 extremes. Such an action smells of cashing profits and identifying new trading setups, which is exactly the subject of today’s Alert. ...

The Currency Pairs to Watch Prior to FOMC Minutes and Jackson Hole

It’s often like this prior to market-moving events. Prices keep trading in a narrow consolidation, dropping subtle clues here and there. The context remains though, and coupled with the preceding price action, it allows to us to see the market tipping its hand....

Oil Price Action – Like a Coiled Spring Already?

Trading slightly above the $50 mark, crude oil hasn’t made a decisive move either way so far. Yesterday’s bullish session has brought us new clues. Let’s dive and examine the strength of the evolving oil move higher. We&Close...

Is This What Falling Through the Floor Looks Like in Stocks?

While last week brought us higher stock prices, Thursday and Friday were bad days for the bulls. And little wonder, as the technical deterioration continues to play out. Looking at both the closing prices on Friday and today’s premarket action, how close to the...

May 25th 2020, Crypto Chartbook: Built not bought

Built not bought This isn’t just a catchy phrase. It is the only way to riches. It is statistically proven that most market speculators, that try to blindly follow a trading recommendation fail to produce consistent results. Why? The most difficult part in ...

The Detailed Anatomy of the S&P 500 Upswing

Today’s extensive article will evaluate the week that just passed, and examine the health of the S&P 500 advance. We’ll look both at various credit market metrics, and at the key S&P 500 sectors and ratios. Putting the pieces of the puzzle toget...
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