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Oil’s Crisis Spikes and the Impact on the Gold Price

At the time, the book was ground-breaking. Back in 2007, Nassim Taleb published a book called The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable . He promoted not to try and speculate or predict wild, outlier type events… but to prepare and plan for them. The 20...

Graphite: Why now is the time to invest

Remember when you used to take standardized tests in school with a yellow No. 2 graphite pencil? I can still remember myself in fourth grade filling in answer bubbles as my teacher scanned the room trying to catch anyone cheating. Back then, pencils were probably the onl...

Alasdair Macleod Wants to Invent a New Form of Math

I lived in California when I was in the 7 th grade. The state led the rest of the US in education. That was before it turned into a socialist paradise. I took an algebra course in the 7 th grade; California would let you take any course the teacher would allow you in. I...

US Stock Market Enters Parabolic Price Move – Be Prepared, Part I

After the recent COVID-19 virus event and the global market concerns that will warrant caution for skilled traders and investors, the US stock markets have entered an upside parabolic trend that will likely end with a massive price collapse – extremely volatile and aggressiv...

Peniaphobia Prevails

(Peniaphobia: fear of poverty) This weekend, newsletter writers the world over are scrambling to explain to their paid subscribers why they are now showing losses in portfolios that were supposed to be showing gains, and especially because it was only two weeks ago t...

A Key Investment Strategy into Monetizing and Host Webinars

Investors with a keen eye to the live video conferencing technology boom, should look at the entire space beyond Zoom. Enter Personas Social Inc. ( TSX-V.PRSN , OTCMKTS: PRSNF , Forum ) – a unique company engaged in the business of offering live video conferencing ...