Sarah callsOn Monday I left a voice message for Sarah but she only works Tues-Thurs now. She called me back on Wednesdy around 1:30 calgary time. We played a little verbal footsy. I told her I wanted to speak with her about weather - whether it was good or bad and weather people would be really happy with it. She said it was a beautiful day today and it was.
So I switched to a more direct approach and asked about the AGM "cancellation" She said it was being postponed and would be re-scheduled. So I asked when. She replied that no date has been determined yet. I then said that legally they must hold the AGM no later than 6 months after the fiscal year end which would be Oct 30 or 31. She then replied that under unusual circumstances the meeting can be delayed beyond the 6 month requirement. I asked what those circumstnaces might be. She replied that she could not speak of matters material to the company.
Really it could be relatively very minor but i still stand by my prediction that Pfizer is snooping around They've been here before and its a perfect complement to their oncology and CVD programs.