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Q2 Preview: Geo's Keeping Its Eye on the Ball

CLICK HERE TO READ THE FULL REPORT FULL DISCLOSURE: Geodrill Ltd. is a client of Stockhouse Publishing.

Buzz on the Bullboards: Making news, before it becomes a headline

Energy stocks slid on lower crude oil prices of late, keeping Canada’s resource-heavy main stock index on the lower side over the past few days, though the TSX has been pushing a rebound of...

BP, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell - why this share is now interesting

The Corona pandemic is still keeping politics and business busy. The restrictions in everyday life are causing many changes for people. An end to the situation is not yet in sight and therefore great hope is being placed in the development of a vaccine against Covid-19. Those ...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Staying healthy

From short-term health care bets to long-term energy plays, and the swings of the cannabis market, small-cap investors have had their hands full keeping up with the markets in 2023. A recent merger among top names in cannabis hit the health care market hard this...

Gold royalty stock might be better than an ETF

It doesn’t look like the economy is going to be stable any time soon. Unrest in Europe, looming U.S. deficit questions and poor unemployment are just some of the factors keeping the markets in a state of flux. As we’ve told you before, wat...

High Returns: Turning Cannabis 2.0 into Profitability

With Cannabis 2.0 products flying off the shelves and more on the way, is the cannabis industry finally maturing? It might be a slow start but it looks like the cannabis comeback is underway . Business are operating more efficiently, retail stores are being rolled out, a...

Making Sense of the Mixed Signals the S&P 500 Sends

Stocks made it clear they were not ready to decline back to the 50% Fibonacci retracement yesterday, and instead opened higher. The bulls have been patiently and slowly adding to their modest intraday gains, before losing them all in the final 45 minutes of trading. How did th...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Creating Cash out of an Economy Crunch

(Image via Bombardier Inc.) If you’re looking to see the stocks that investors have been keeping an eye on over the past week, you’ve come to the right place. The Stockhouse community regularly acts as a microcosm of investor sen...

Buzz on the Bullboards: In the COVID Fallout, New Players Emerge

Back in early March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic was still not much of a concern for the markets. While investors were keeping an eye on it, compared to other geopolitical factors at the time, it was mostly an afterthought of little consequence. Fast-forward a year...

Global Dow Nails Down Bullish Signal

SIGN OF GROWING CONFIDENCE At the end of November, monthly CCI completed a momentum round trip by closing above 100 after closing below -100 in late 2018. CCI helps us track market momentum. The turn that just took place over the last year is typically associated with a si...
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