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3 reasons to avoid penny stocks

A Note From the Editorial Director: This week, with the first installment of our new Member Mailbag feature, we start putting the You in Investment U. The Mailbag gives you the chance to ask Alex Green and our other investment experts about the financial subjects that are o...

The Oil Crisis Saudi Arabia Can't Solve

Saudi Arabia's CEO Amin Nasr's message to the press that oil flows to the market are guaranteed, should be taken with a pinch of salt. Looking at the current volatility in the Persian/Arabian Gulf and the possibility of a temporary closure of the Strait of Hormuz, the Ar...

The Oil Crisis Saudi Arabia Can't Solve

Saudi Arabia's CEO Amin Nasr's message to the press that oil flows to the market are guaranteed, should be taken with a pinch of salt. Looking at the current volatility in the Persian/Arabian Gulf and the possibility of a temporary closure of the Strait of Hormuz, the Ar...

Gold Terra Resource: 'A Step in the Right Direction'

Gold Terra Resource Corp. (YGT:TSX.V) [which until February 2020 was known as TerraX Minerals] announced last November an overall maiden Inferred resource of 735,000 gold ounces (oz Au). Incremental Positive: The company announced an overall maiden Inferred r...

Coty Shares Rise 30% After Starting Production of Gel for Hand Sanitizer Use

Shares of Coty traded higher after the company reported that it has commenced production of hydro-alcoholic gel for use as hand sanitizer to help combat the COVID-19 virus. Coty Inc. (COTY:NYSE) yesterday announced that "it has started producing hydro-alc...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Healthcare Reigns, While Mining Falls

Another week of the coronavirus pandemic, another week of the healthcare sector’s takeover of investor attention. We've highlighted many stocks that have risen in price (and interest) because of their potential during the coronavirus pandemic, but last wee...

Rock Tech Lithium, Varta, Volkswagen - The German battery is coming!

ON THE AUTHOR: André Will-Laudien Born in Munich, he first studied economics and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in 1995. As he was involved with the stock market at a very early stage, he now has more than 30 years of experien...

Buzz on the Bullboards: Who Has Emerged from COVID the Strongest?

(Image via Ivanhoe Mines Ltd.) Are we about to see the global economy fully open up and recover, or are we headed for more trouble with new lockdowns and virus variants? The COVID-19 pandemic has played havoc with global stocks for more than a year, but since it...

The Gold in the Volcano

Mount Vesuvius, possibly the world’s best known volcano has erupted at least three dozen times since 79 A.D. (Oregon State University : Volcano World) [1] Lava lies inside dormant yet festering under a seemingly unmoving platform until often without wa...

Minimizing Mining Risk: The “Hybrid Opportunity Generator”

What sets certain companies apart from most others in the early-stage exploration space? A lot of the time it’s simply thinking outside of the box. In the case of Vancouver, BC-based junior exploration and development company Avrupa Minerals Ltd. (AVU)...
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