Someone as seasoned as yourself should know better than to be 'relaxed' at any time. All of the greenhouse cannabis has not been valued in that. Dont forget their trade and receivables went up 3549. Once you add in the 4228 (which is the difference between inventory (as I said the provision was on the books in Q2, so to see the true difference of change as a whole it needs to be factored) you end up with 4228 + 3549 = 7777. And if you're truly trying to see 'if' they've warehoused what was coming off the greenhouse then you need to subtract what they sold in Q3, which was 2,709kg or $9,486. 

As you can tell, numbers can give you a ballpark approximation. But they dont tell the true story and cannot be used to fully narrarate the tale. There is a total of 17,263 in addressable change to inventory between the periods, and still this doesnt identify with any certainty what truly is the case.

You go on by saying that if this we're true its going to take them years to sell. How exactly do you know that? Because what they sold in Q3? You're basing your entire thesis off one quarter? And that leads you to being completely relaxed? You dont know whats going on there, nor would you even want to be there making decisions.

Q3 was another quarter of cleaning the books, why would you wait until a blockbuster quarter to complete all the write downs of intangibles and goodwill? I wouldnt be surprised to see a few more 'fine tuning' changes before the Q4's. But i'd be willing to bet you know that and will have flipped to a long position by then. Am I right?