Mydecine MYCO London Stock Exchange (LSE) uplisting is coming soon. Just as MMED has seen the hype to a $660M+ market cap on an upcoming NASDAQ listing, we could see a similar type run on MYCO.

We don't have Linton and O'Leary pumping us but we do have very smart management who's completing strategic acquistions and adding big names to our advisory board. 

I made a lot of money on MMED already, and I'm expecting the same here in the upcoming weeks as this presents itself as a great opportunity. 

Mydecine has been quietly doing all the right things, without the attention like MMED is getting, and that's OK. It allows us to load up cheap before the market corrects itself. There's room for multiple  successful companies like us, completing similar trials for a drug that could breakthrough modern medicine and change the way we forever look at mental health - especially anxiety, depression, ptsd and addiction. 

In shrooms we trust.