Full article: https://thelaissezfairegazette.com/gold-stocks-a-once-in-a-lifetime-opportunity-is-quietly-and-subtly-unfolding/

‘A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is quietly and subtly unfolding’ Ian Notley told investors regarding the gold stocks right at the bottom 2001, the rest is history. Gold stocks is back at similar situation now, but even more extreme. They are the most undervalued liquid assets by far, in my mind probably the one of the biggest investment opportunitys ever.

How could such extreme undervaluation occur in the first place? Why are these stocks so far from a fair valuation compared to the general stock market. To begin with, this is not the first time this has happened, there are many historic examples of extreme undervaluations, most recently 2001 and 2008. For some reason the sector is cyclical, when it goes down, everything goes down regardless of fundamentals, same thing on the upside.

But even within the cycles, when gold stocks are at the top of the cycles, they tend to be extremely undervalued compared to the general stock market. To answear why this is the case one has to look at how this monetary system works. The money powers, i.e the largest banks and their owners who create the money supply see gold and related investments as an enemy. Becuase of this they have an interest in keeping them low and out of favour.

By having the money creation process concentrated in their hands they decide where new money gets allocated and this creation and allocation drives asset prices. While this power can be used to create asset price bubbles, it can also be used to starve a sector and this is what they have done to the gold sector. With the inability to finance project developments and do exploration the whole sector has been driven into the worst crisis in a long time, at the same time we can see companies with no real assets (like facebook, or twitter) trading at hundred times cash flow, with $100 billion valuations.

Right now, you can buy world class gold projects below cash and if you can hold them through this cyclical bottom you will make fortunes i my opinion. That is within the current monetary system, consider what would happen with these stocks if they would reach fair valuations, the numbers would be mindboggling. I don’t believe this will occur during the next bull market, but there is a posibility. In any case I want to participate in it. This is where fortunes will be made in the coming years, not in Facebook or Twitter.