Ballard is off 60% from its high.
Plug is off 61%
FuelCell is off  72%
Xebec is off 63%
Greenlane is off 52%.

Many people thing something is seriously wrong at Xebec.
They think it's broken.
It isn't.

The simple fact is the entire industry has fallen distinctly out of favour after a spectacular run-up.
FuelCell went from 56 cents to $29 between December 2019 and February 2021.
From 56 cents to $29 in fourteen months.
Xebec went fron $2.22 to $11.55 over the same period.
They've since come back to Earth.

The simpler fact is the markets are cyclical.
Industry groups fall in and out of favour.
From stars to dogs, then back to stars.

Unless the green revolution is over, a thing of the past, this group is certain to come back in to favour at some point.
All the stocks here have been decimated, not just Xebec.
You're not alone if you waste your time lamenting Xebec's performance over the last 5 months.
It's not just Xebec shareholders who have been stung.
You have lots of company.

This industry will come back into favour at some point.
That's a certainty.
It could very well happen sooner than you think.
Sentiment sometimes changes extremely fast.

When it does, there's untold money on the sidelines watching this closely that won't want to be left behind.
Patience is the order of the day.