You know I talk a lot about nickel when I’m talking about Karora. We are a highly successful gold miner - but nickel is our “prize.” It is the thing that has so successfully helped distinguish us from other gold miners - and it has assisted us in attracting interest in the company and attracting investors.

As a fascinating “metal of the future,” nickel has its own cache and allure. Given our history, nickel is very much a part of who we are (rather than just a simple byproduct). We will ride gold profitably into the future, but nickel will increasingly augment that profitability. And of course nickel has now simply become HUGE.

Our bonanza gold could have served a similar purpose by continuing to add a patina of excitement and intrigue to the company, but that’s not the way we went. At least we know that those enchhanting hidden pockets of gold continue to quietly add to our profitability.