We all know a review of the cannabis legislation is overdue and the industry is in dire need of reforms to taxation and regulations. 

Perhaps Mr. Smitherman and his team can prompt the government into taking action before too many fall by the wayside or the industry implodes completely.


Canadian governments currently run the risk of destroying everything they sought to establish with cannabis legalization.

The failings of government to act on the issues that have deterred the success of  Cannabis in Canada are an embarrassment of the highest order. It's irresponsible at best when we fail to foster those things we bring to life. 

By government ignoring the issues facing the cannabis industry's they doom their own creation to abject failure. 

Sadly, the story in Canada is no more progressive that south of the border at the moment. 

In stark contrast the Provincial Government of British Columbia is taking steps to run a three year trial of decriminalizing small amounts of 'hard' substances.


Hmmm... welcome to our utopian distopia. 

Just wait till they start growing Poppies and Coca plants in all those shutterred greenhouses.   lol

Ohhh myyy giddy auunt!!.. literally... lol
