orry when you read articles like the following in Le Devoir today (Google translated below) you have to imagine only good things to come in the near future for the likes of PCQ, JNX and PEA especially with all their acreage in the Gaspe region which will most likely be targeted first!


Produce or import oil
Pierre Arcand deems reasonable to engage in the oil sector while fighting against global warming
November 10, 2015 | Alexander Shields | News on the environment
Minister Pierre Arcand went to meet people of the oil and gas industry on Monday at the annual meeting of the QOGA.
Photo: Jacques Nadeau Le Devoir
Minister Pierre Arcand went to meet people of the oil and gas industry on Monday at the annual meeting of the QOGA.
Minister Pierre Arcand finds it quite logical to launch the Quebec towards the exploitation of oil and gas while pledging to fight against climate change. He also promised Monday that a hydrocarbon law will be presented in the coming months to govern the sector, which would be about to launch development projects.
It is a reassuring message to the fossil fuel industry that the Minister of Energy and Natural Resources came to deliver to members of the Oil and Gas Association of Quebec (QOGA), as part of their annual conference. "We are at a crossroads, he said in part of his speech. Quebec is expected to position themselves in this energy sector. "
The position of the government is also Couillard could not be more clear. "Quebec would do well to take advantage of its hydrocarbon potential, while respecting the environment," said Minister Arcand, recalling that the province imports all the gas and oil it consumes.
But is that to launch the Quebec towards the exploitation of potential deposits, and that, for decades, is compatible with the fight against climate change? "We have a carbon market, so our greenhouse gas emissions must decrease. This is fundamental, "first replied Mr. Arcand briefing. "We must work to make the greenest Quebec," he added.
The minister also said the government's intention to focus on reducing our consumption of oil in the coming years. "We will consume oil for at least the next 30 years, he added however. It begs the question: do we exploit oil here or is it that we continue to import them? Therein lies the debate right now. "
According to him, oil projects in Gaspsie and on Anticosti, but also natural gas exploitation projects can therefore absolutely see the day in Quebec. "These are projects that can be framed. And to the extent we can exploit the Quebec Oil and within the framework of social acceptability, it is not unthinkable. "
"It is not the government that will act as a promoter, it is for companies to sell their projects to the public," he warned. The government has established the Capital Fund hydrocarbons mines, with a budget of over one billion dollars of public funds. Quebec is also, through Investissement Qubec, the largest shareholder of Ptrolia and Junex the third largest shareholder. The state also has pumped tens of millions of dollars in exploration on Anticosti, but also in the Gasp.
Forthcoming legislation
The Minister of Energy and Natural Resources has also promised a hydrocarbon law would probably be presented in spring 2016. At the time the scandal broke shale gas in 2010, the Charest government on an already planchait such a law. No such law exists in Quebec.
Pierre Arcand, however, said Monday that the government wants to "provide industry with a stable and predictable regulatory environment." Such legislation should take into account ongoing work within the framework of the strategic environmental assessment.
Before that, the government is expected to present soon its new energy policy, a document to guide Quebec policy for the next decade. But as more and more voices plead for release of fossil fuels, the government clearly Couillard argued its intention to include potential hydrocarbon development projects in Quebec in its policy. A table of experts from the fossil fuel industry has also been organized as part of consultations held last spring.
President QOGA Michael Binnion, sees a good eye the idea that the government has an energy policy and a law on hydrocarbons. He said it would also be desirable to come eventually to conduct "pilot projects" to demonstrate the possibility of exploiting shale gas resources in the Saint Lawrence Valley. On Monday, he referred to the regions Lotbinire and Bcancour. "It is possible to have a production project in 2020. It is clear," he said.
Most permits oil and gas exploration that were active in the St. Lawrence Lowlands in 2010 still are, although some companies have abandoned Quebec.