Well TLT, you're valued at 50M CAD and the LSD firm is valued at 1.4 BILLION CAD ( yes with a B )

What is it you are doing wrong TLT?

What will happen the next time you raise money?

Will it be done at a digustingly loe and highly dilutive level?..see 20 and 30 cents in the past.

Are you aware that maintaining a 25 cent CAD stock eliminates 99% of potential investers?

Shouldn't we "consolidate" and pull the same maneuver so many other Canadien firms do?

APS went from $5 to $9 yday on well ??? ; - ) ...it is valued over 13 X that of TLT,

What is really going on?

TLT, do you know the "muffin-man" or better yet the "Beech Boys"?

Something unusaul is "a-foot", but more likely a "yard" ; - )

Canadien bioitech is indeed a "fickle-Mi$tre$$ ; - )