In around April 26th to April 29, I made a few post to the board as some of the folks were wondering why I hadn't posted in a while. Back then the stock as in the 24 - 28 cent range. At that time I viewed my concerns about the stock price and the ability to push it back into the higher levels it once been. A lot of people thought that they were out money and locked into the stock until it rebounded (In investing this is the worst mistake you can make, it's not the stock you should be concerned about it's your capital). I also figured the stock would get down to 8 cents before it was all over. Well I missed the 8 cent did however reach 9 cents. As it sits right now the stock could still fall further if they continue to fail in their projections/forcast. Investors want to see fruition of publicized announcements. The company came out of the gate like a bull with all sorts of promises (US listings, Buying other companies). When in fact they were sitting with a very empty plant/facility. The hype was great and it seemed to spark interest from every investor out there but soon it was apparent the company had hyped to company a little too hard. Investors today don't want to wait 5 years, they don't want to wait 2 years or a year. They want instant gratification with 100% returns in 2 months to 4 months. The company may have been better off having much smaller share issue with a much higher share price, this would also help in actually seeing share movement daily and getting rid of the cardio trading. This would have given them the ability to make private placements and get real money to start putting the dream together. I won't get into the Auxly issue. 

As it stands right now I keep monitoring it daily and hope that for the sake of some of the long holders that they see some growth in their capital and sell the stock with a real profit........just keeping it real folks...just keeping it real.
