Takes a while to wrap around your head. But once you do.....I think this is the reason we aren't at $100 already. The failute of BITCOIN is likely hampering this... and people don't get excited because of it. Too bad they don't realize it has absolutely nothing to do with BITCOIN. This is completely different. This allows people around the world to use their cash to buy gold that is stored in Brinks / Lloyds of London vaults. And then they are given a credit or debit card that acts exactly like a normal bank or credit card. You buy one ounce of gold at $1200....... You have one ounce of physical gold stored, and your credit card has $1200 credit on it. Who wants this? Probably not you or me........ but for the 60 percent countries around the world that see their national currency fluctuate ( almost always negatively )...... Im sure they want it. Imagine the engineer in Russia. He is paid $100 000.00 annually. ( all simple example ) Overnight.... the Ruble falls in half. He now has $50 000.00. He will wish he could have bought gold.
All of the stimulus and money printing around the world will play perfectly into this Gold platform. The house of cards will fall soon, and BITGOLD will be the way to go for many. CEO stated he only anticipated 50 000 accounts being opened. Already.... there are nearly 11 000. This will be huge.