Claiming URGENCY!!! The point is they claim URGENCY to get their LRV`s !------This is their main reasoning in the courts but the JUDGE is seeing it differently as he is also been been informed on METRO`s status of their project progress!Why cancel the contract outright if they need these LRV`s so badly!----Something just doesn`t make sense when you consider timelines seem to be shifting!Honestly if METRO did win lets say,what would be stopping them from getting another supplier and saying well now we have changed our project SCOPE and need fewer routes!Therefore maybe we only need maybe 70 LRV`sinstead of 182 !
Would be a great way to save a lot of money in the short term!----Who knows maybe the transit demand is changing faster than the project!But then why don`t they just ask bombardier if theycan
scale back or defer their order!---What is in that contract i guess is the question but we do know they are really worried about paying thay 500,000 a day PENALTY to CROSSLINK which really sounds ridiculous in the first place!Like i have said before something really SMELL`s BAD!! GLTA