Tracking NAVFor all of you that like to keep track of the Net Asset values of these Split Corps, there are many on-line portfolio mangers that can make it quite easy and simple. Some are even free, but you do get what you pay for. I have used one for over 20 years to track and follow progress of the portfolios I run. I pay about $30.00 per month and it will give you (in real time) the value of a portfolio by simply inputting the stocks held in the fund, preferably (for better accuracy) by percentages and not grouped together. Maybe some already use it. Nothing will give you 100% accuracy but it will be close. Oh yeah (Globe Investor through Globe & Mail) And did I mention It’s in real time with FX calculations in real time.--- NO spread sheets. --- No Excel. And for the posters that have claimed to be multi million $ share holders of some of these funds I don’t think a small monthly fee will hurt.
Good luck to all.