RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:~90% collections for July & AugustStockguru2017 wrote: It's extremely likely that RioCan will be trading above $28 within the next 2-3 years. The problem is few people have patience anymore. They want to get rich quick and just buy Tesla thinking it will continue going up forever.
For the amateur investors here, don't be surprised if Tesla crashes hard in the near future and you lose 60-80% of your investment. It's just the way the market works. You need to take profits along the way and use stop losses. My advice is don't be greedy. You know the old saying, "bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered."
I made my money buying heavily into beaten down stocks during the 2008 crash. I don't chase bubbles. When the beaten down stocks I've bought became multi-baggers I cashed out. I didn't wait for them to crash again. If you bought Tesla during the March crash you're sitting on an almost 10 bagger in the span of 6 months. Do you really think this pace will continue forever? It won't.
Pretty much this. It feels like the late 1990's all over again when everyone was in love with tech stocks. All the Millennials and Gen Z are now on their Robinhood buying odd lots of tech stocks. I know one I saw last night, he told me he bought TSLA half a year ago and he's up HUGE. So I tell him congratulations! And he tells me thanks, I'm so glad I bought those 3 shares.
3 shares lol! I didn't have the heart to tell him that to me, buying a small opening position in a stock is $100K.
You got lots of these little 3 share wonders out there driving up the bidding on tech stocks on Robin Hood that didn't even know what the stock market was 12 months ago. It will not end well for them.
Riocan on the other hand, will end very well. I think you're right, it won't take 5 years like it did for Northview (whichd analyst hated and were bashing all the way as it rose from $18 to $35, you can go to to confirm this).
Two years from now when the big news is The Well is opening, no one will even remember the virus, but they'll see the huge revenues coming in from The Well and Yonge/Eglinton Centre and the earnings going up massively and that will what will drive the stock value, not some overhyped flu.