RE:Gosh: It could a ''black Friday'' buying dayramman1, I on the other hand am not at all upset by the delays. 1) I've been able to buy more shares at a price I never thought I'd see again
2) The financing is not why or how this company will succeed in the long term
3) Financing has zero to do with why I own shares here. Hello TD Bank!!
ramman1 wrote: If I can get in real cheap today, I will top up my position to my planned 900000 shares ,presently at 892000. I am absolutely pi''''ed beyond belief over the handling of this PP, how-ever, I continue to look at the business ,as it sits both, at present, and into the future.( I don't think the financing with go through at all, regardless of date). Although I am very pessimistic on that front ,the business model, and goings on within the company on ''all'' metrics ,point to an eventual higher share price, obviously now ''sometime'' later down the road. Gosh: think what would happen if I was to ''hit the sell button ,right now, at market '', yikes: